
Waiting for a permit

We still don't have a permit and there is nothing we can do about it.

And that is it. I don't know what else to say.

The last time I posted about the permit process was on June 18. We waited patiently for the 5-6 weeks they said it would take to get back to us. And at exactly the 5 week mark, with a bit of gentle nudging, we got back a set of 30 comments that needed to be addressed on our set of plans. And from what I was told, 30 ain't so bad.

Our architect and engineer got to work with extra scribbles and arrows and pictures and drawings while I got to work sorting out LED certified lighting fixtures and the like. And 2 weeks and few small setbacks later, we had a revised set of plans. I even learned how to create a Construction Management Plan. If you care to know what that is, let me know.

"It should take about 2 weeks." I was told.

And 2 weeks would have been Monday. And today it's Friday and though another set of 6 comments are there on the computer screen at the building department, our plans are sitting on the desk of someone in the Public Works department, waiting to be given a written approval. And of course that guy - well he does't work on Fridays.

And there you have it. That is how it goes.

So we won't move into the city tomorrow and we can't start demolition next week and we don't know how to lock in the contractor when we have no idea when we will actually get to start this project.

Guess that means we can go to Traintown tomorrow instead. I know one 5.5 year old who will be thrilled to the gills.

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