
10 Steps to Being Well

1. Fire up your metalbolism and stabilize blood sugar for a clear mind: EAT BREAKFAST.

2. Release endorphins through exercise, ask where and how your body wants to move.

3. Nourish yourself; eat slowly and enjoy each meal.

4. Be kind to your kidneys and stomach; drink water moderately and without ice.

5. Follow natural bio-rhythms; recognize when you need to rest and take time to do it.

6. Curb sugar cravings; eat more protein and fat and drink less caffeine.

7. Get Vitamin D and perspective; go outside for fresh air.

8. Practice self-massage; the abdomen for digestive health, breasts or prostrate for tissue health.

9. Love your adrenals; do less, stop rushing and savor life.

10. Rejuvenate with plenty of sleep; get enough to feel awake without coffee.

Borrowed from the desk of acupuncturists Andrea Anderson {website} and Brooke Moen {website}

This little postcard with these little suggestions have been in my "to-do" binder for too long to mention. I kept it because I liked how succinct and clear these ten items are. Nothing new - eat breakfast, drink water, move your body, sleep. So why is it so hard?

I can use the excuse of being a mom, but when I really look at it, that is just another excuse or reason for not taking care of myself. Yes, I have found it harder to do most of these things as I navigate making sure that someone else does most of these things, but I wasn't totally good at doing them for myself before the nugget came along, to be totally honest. I ask for water without ice, feel better when I get outside and hike up the hill and do fairly well without caffeine. As for the rest, well, not so good. But I know better. And I know how I feel when I actually do them.

So what is the problem?

Habits and discipline.

And both take work and determination and effort and awareness and dedication. And 21 days.

Did you know that? That it takes 21 days to form a habit.

I didn't. So when I found out about habitforge a few weeks ago, I was sure this would be the ticket to consistent exercise, meditation and mindful eating. So I signed up, entered "20 min of pilates everyday" as my goal and off I went.

And I didn't even do it 2 days in a row.

What I realized is that I started too big with too much change when what I needed to do was start with changing a habit I could succeed at - that required no babysitter or yoga pants or gym membership or time. And I know, 20 min of pilates a day doesn't sound like too big, but it was. I am working on figuring out why.

In the mean time, I simplified. The new goal is "take vitamins with a large glass of water, everyday, at breakfast". I figure, there is no way to talk my way out of this one...

Today is day 1.

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